The detergent...
I found lots of liquid detergent recipes but I figured that by adding water I was just adding balk and since the ingredients were the same and I am putting it in a washer with water did I really need to add water? Not to mention I really don't have room for a 2 and a half gallon bucket beside my washer or anywhere else for that matter. Sooo, here's what I did...
1 bar Colgate's Octagon Bar Soap, grated or other laundry bar soap (found in the laundry aisle
1 bar Ivory Soap, grated
2 c. Borax
2 c. Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (NOT baking soda!! also in the laundry isle)
Mix all tog
The softener...
The fabric softener recipe was a different story, not so easy to find, dryer sheets, yes but not liquid. I wanted liquid, after all I don't really use the dryer much, so sheets wouldn't work for me. I wanted something to softened and smelled nice. I finally came across this recipe. I found it on which got it from but I'm not sure where it originated.
2 c. hair conditioner
2 c. white vinegar
6 c. water
Mix all together, shake well. Shake before each use.
I used Suave Ocean Breeze because I wanted a fresh scent and it was on sale. You could use any scent you want or use unscented if you like and add a few drops of essential oil to match your detergent. This is a great way to use those bottles of conditioner you bought and didn't like too. Also, don't worry about the vinegar leaving a vinegary smell, it won't. Vinegar not only helps to soften your clothes but will also rinse residue from your washing machine.
I can not find the washing soda ... I've looked in a handful of stores here and in Erie! argh!!
Oh Ang,:( I found it in the regular grocery store, but I'm sure you can order it if you needed too. I paid $2.99 for it and it is a pretty big/heavy box so it might be pricey to mail. I did find this info though, check it out...
Also this is safe for HE washers, that's what I have.
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