Wow what a month it's been! Since I last wrote we have gotten so much done including planting an orchard of apple, peach, and plum tress, we have also planted raspberries, grapes, and strawberries. We have prepared the gardens and planted peas, carrots, beets, radishes, 150 potatoes and started countless seeds. Oh, not to mention all the trees and brush we have cut and cleared to prepare the land for the gardens, orchard and paths, everything was overgrow!
We repaired the first story of the barn and it now houses 6 hens that lay us yummy eggs every day and will soon welcome JoLee's chicks (that are currently residing on our back porch) and our piglet which will be here in about a month. We have also built and put up new clothes line poles with pretty pink string, built the boys an oak bunk bed, moved about a ton of rocks and dirt, brought in a truck load of manure, dug a new water line and celebrated 2 birthdays!
Oh and not to overwhelm you with all the pics in this post but now that we have high speed internet I can finally share lots of pics of our new homestead.
JoLee and one of her chicks.
The garden,
which once was the back yard and a swamp, and the only spot with good full sun all day, who needs grass anyway. Stay tuned for how we turned the swamp into our homes water source.
(Freddy is mad here because if he can't be in the dirt then Charlie shouldn't be either!)
Lucy prefers to lay her eggs in a Pennzoil box of wood chips instead of her nice nests we built.
My strawberry patch started with 50 plants but after a night time game of hide & seek with 5 teenage boys I have recovered 47...
which once was the back yard and a swamp, and the only spot with good full sun all day, who needs grass anyway. Stay tuned for how we turned the swamp into our homes water source.
(Freddy is mad here because if he can't be in the dirt then Charlie shouldn't be either!)
The bird feeder Brian made me for my birthday- Freddy loves watching the birds.
I mentioned last month that Brian built some stone steps leading from our main level to the lower level, he also made a path so that we can drive the tractor or utility cart and push the wheelbarrow up and down from the barn.
The stone steps & Freddy.
These are just out my back door which lead to the lower level of our property where the potatoes are planted, the orchard is growing & the creek is flowing and where you will most likely find the kids on any given day rain or shine!

These are just out my back door which lead to the lower level of our property where the potatoes are planted, the orchard is growing & the creek is flowing and where you will most likely find the kids on any given day rain or shine!
The path with Charlie demonstrating how to walk down it. If you follow the path it takes you...
to the barn, I think this is my favorite spot so far!
Yeah blog! Every thing looks lovely and ready for spring. How many animals total?
Hope you all are good. I love Freddy's hair. Were the other kids so blond when they were young?
Miss you, but kuddos for having a vision and making it a reality.
WOW! It's like Little House on the Prairie. Love the updates.glad you guys are doing well.
we are little house in the mountain- lol
Brian did a great job on your birdhouse. love it! And I love your barn! I have a soft spot for old barns.
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