Here is my first tutorial.
These amazing little scrubbies are the reason I taught myself to crochet, that and to pass the hours, days and months of endless morning sickness!!!
I start by cutting nylon netting into 1-1/2 to 2 inch strips, depending on the stiffness of the netting I'm using, stiffer = thinner strips. I bag all the strips and tie them together as I go.
I usually use an I hook, but for the sake of the pics used a K hook for this tutorial.
Here's the pattern...
Ch 6,
Round 1) Join to make a circle, chain 2, 11 dc in circle, join - 12 sts
Round 2) ch 2, dc in same dc, 2 dc in each dc, join- 24 sts
Round 3) ch 2, dc in same dc, 2 dc in each dc, join - 48 sts
Round 4) ch 1, sc in each dc
Make sure all the knots from where you joined the pieces together are facing you the right side will be the inside of the scrubby.
Now start decreasing (you will now be working on the backside of the scrubby) by *sc in the next 2 sc, skip one, sc in next, skip one, repeat from *until you have closed it up, tie it off and stuff the left over inside.
Make sure if you are stuffing your scrubby you do it before you close it up. I stuff mine with the leftover pieces of netting.
Of course if you don't crochet you can always order these. The scrubbies are $3 ea. or 2/$5 and the dishcloth/scrubby sets are $8.
This is great. I really love these. Now if I ever get time I can make some. I love to crochet.
I love my scrubbies and dish cloths. I got several sets for friends and relatives for Christmas. I don't crochet but Cody does such a good job. Believe me the scrubby really does a good job and the dish cloth is wonderful....I use mine all the time.
Thanks my girlfriend showed me ones like this she got while she was in Canada. Now I can make some too!!!
Great tut. Gonna try this. I am a follower.
Liked you on FB too!
These scrubbies are awesome.
Thanks for sharing a great tutorial. Those netting scrubbies are great for dishes and especially nice for scrubbing my glass stovetop as they don't scratch it.
How much netting to buy for each scrubbie?
How much netting to buy for each scrubbie?
I'm really not sure
Curious how long are the stripes?You say how wide but not how long they need to be.
The strips are as long as you want them I think I usually get 2 yards so netting so they would each be 2 yards- they are as long as the netting is.
Those are great !! Thanks for sharing.
Great Tut! Can't wait to try this. PS - Love the Pampered Chef shears in the picture :)
Yes Megan those shears are the only thing I can cut that stuff with and not dull- I love 'em!!
I use a rotary cutter and one of the cutting boards that quilters use, you can get them in lots of sizes. I also use different colors and tie them together.
I have used one but I'm afraid of dulling the blade.
Is the netting like something you would use for wedding favors?? Do you get it at the fabric store?
Similar, it's a little courser but can be fond in the same area of the fabric store.
I just bought the materials to make the scrubbies, and then I found this post. Thanks very much.
I have been making these for years. I make two and sew them together. I usually use white only so that they can be bleached or put in the dish washer to clean.
I now make them by crocheting a strand of the tule(that is what the material is called) and a strand of crochet cotton together. again I make two and sew them together. These always are my best sellers at craft fairs. They can also be used on the skin to exfoliate the skin.
I love these! I've been looking everywhere to find out how to
make them, and what the
material was! Thanks so much
for sharing, and Merry Christmas!
My mother has made these for years. They're great for scrubbing veggies too! Oh, and I use one to scrub the tub scum too. Great little scrubbies!
Thanks for posting this.Used to make these but hands got sore. Maybe use some cotton gloves would help. Great scrubbies!
I saw where someone said you were on Facebook. Which "Simply Home Made" are you? I saw several and don't want to follow the wrong one.
I'm sorry I just now saw your question about FaceBook- I am Simply HomeMade, the pic has a heart around the S & H.
Oh Wow! Thank you so much! my grandmother gave me one of these for Christmas that she had gotten from a friend & I knew it was crocheted, I just didn't know with what! They are indeed the most amazing scrubbing tool I've used! Now I can make myself some more! the one I have has been well used.
Oh, I'm so glad!
Cody, another great use for these is to take lint, ravelings, etc. off clothing. I keep one in my bedroom for that purpose. They also make great stocking-stuffers and shower gifts.
Thanks for this pattern...we tried others, but this one is quick and done in one piece...which is fantastic for beginners. Our church sells these as a fundraiser around help needy families...your pattern has been the only one we use. 2013 will be our second year. Thanks so much.
When you say that you tie the pieces together, do you actually tie them or sew them together? I have bought scrubbies but cannot find where the pieces of toule were actually tied together. Thanks
I actually tie them together and stuff the knot inside the scrubbie.
They also make great vegetable scrubers, I loathe having to peal my veggies. ..
Does anyone know where you can buy the stiffer nylon netting? It works so much better than the soft netting.
I get it at JoAnn Fabric's
I get it at JoAnn Fabric's
Thanks for sharing your tutorial! I make crocheted hot pads, dish cloths and jar openers so this will be a great addition to the set.
I am pretty new to crocheting and I am confused about the back part. Can someone explain a little different. It's just not "clicking" with me...
Our Auxiliary makes these a LOT. We buy 11 yd lengths of tulle and cut the strips. NO joining needed! (11 dyes make one knitted square scrubby).
I thought these were the tackiest things ever . . . until I used one! holy cow! They really work!
I buy 11-12 yards as well. Cut it into 2.5" strips. I stuff the strips in the large 2 1/2 gallon size ziplock bags and pull out as I crochet. I don't tie my ends when I have short pieces either, I lay one piece over on top of the other, it overlaps about 2-3 " and I don't have a knot to deal with. It's a little heavier to handle for the first couple of stitches that involve the overlapped pieces but it works out nicely. I get my netting from Wmart and Joann's. Joanns has cute and bright colors! Lime green, lavendar, are two of my favorite! With the coupon at Joann's you use, it's about the same price as Walmart. They are very addicting to make for sure! I also hold the crochet hook like you would hold a bike handle. Hope that makes sense! Once I did this , the stitches were a bit easier to maneuver. Have fun with these! Some of mine are wonky looking but my hubby likes them for the car to get bugs off. I use them for dishes as well. The ones made from tulle are a lot softer and can be used to scrub feet and elbows that are rough too.
HHow much total tulle is used to make one scrubbie?
I think it depends on how lose you crochet for the yardage. Some use more / less than others. I crochet tight and therefore needed appx14 yds per scrubbie. I don't tie a knot, as mentioned before, I overlap my two ends about 2 inches and it works for me. These are so fun to make and sell quickly! I have repeat customers every year. Have fun with them!
I have been making these for years. I buy the stiffest net, in 2 yard pieces. Then fold Ina 2 inch wide th, cut in 2 inch strips, holding them together with clothes pins! I can never make enough. They are really hard on your hands, tho.
I am just learning to crochet what does it mean 'round'?
A round is each row "around".
Scrubbies work better and last longer when made using single crochet instead of double crochet. Yes there are more stitches and perhaps a little more time, but the quality of the scrubbie is better by far. I have made them both ways.
It takes 1/2 of a yard of nylon netting to make one scrubbie. The stiffer the netting, the better.
I cut 2" strips with a rotary cutter and mat. That way l don't have to dull my scissors. It also saves a lot of time cutting!
Each 2" strip of nylon netting is 72" long. I generally use 8-9 strips to complete one scrubbie.
Please don't fall for the things people who make scrubbies say!!! Several have said it takes 3 yards of netting to make one scrubbie. One woman stated that it takes ten yards to make one scrubbie!!! That would cost $10-$15 per scrubbie depending on what store you got the netting from.
Give it a shot at crocheting one...or a hundred. It's tough when you first try doing it and it can be hard on your hands and wrists...BUT IT IS ADDICTING.
Hi. I just saw these on Hoarders and knew I needed to hunt down the pattern. So I am assuming that you pull the nylon netting into every stitch? That step doesnt seem to be explained here unless I am too tired to see it.Thanks! I make crochet jewelry and other items to sell online and at the flea market and I really want to add these to the inventory.
Okay one more question...what type of yarn do you use? cotton? Anything?
You use nylon netting...not tulle.
Cody, after finding your scrubbie pattern on Pinterest, I went to Joanns and bought crochet hooks and net. Now I have to get back to learning how to crochet so that I can make them!
I agree with the gal who says the single crochets are better and the scrubbie lasts longer ..I tie my pieces together and leave a tail to stuff into the middle when finished .. Sometimes I will make one side up to the last row , stop before decreasing, with netting , make another exact one with cotton sugar and spice yarn and then crochet the two together back to back...
Could you post info on the dish cloths
I don't see where anyone answered Geirgia's question regarding how the netting is worked into the stitches. Can you please explain?
The stitches are worked through just like you would work yarn through. All the tied pieces are pushed through the backwhich acts as filling once finished.
As far as the dish cloth, they are just single crochets worked deep stitch. I don't blog anymore but I do read the comments and publish on the FB page.
Help...I would like to save these instructions on my Pinterest account. Are you on Pinterest?
I've tried to make these using different patterns and could never get it! I made 2 just now following your pattern. Thanks so much!
I've made these using the net bags produce comes in.
Great pattern! Easy and fun to make :)
Can you tell me where I can find the pattern for the dishcloth? I am going to try the scrubby but would like to try the dishcloth to go with it.
Thank you
These are awesome. I am going to share this on my Facebook page. :)
I have crochet ton of wash cloths, dish cloths and facial cloths. And this is a first for me. Making them now, thank you for sharing the pattern with great tutorial.
I have made a few of these. I double crochet, but make it tight. I just made one with tulle net and only one sided. It works great for scrubbing and nothing gets caught in the middle (unseen). Instead of lengths tied together, I just cut to 2 inches of the end and turned and cut until 2" of the next end. Like cutting in somewhat a circle of the square or rectangle of the netting. And I also threaded the netting through about 4 inches of a straw to make it a little easier on my hands.
I buy a 11 yard piece of netting. IF YOU REFOLD THE NETTING YOU NEVER HAVE TO TIE ENDS TOGETHER!! My husband helps me refold the netting. If is a no wind calm day we refold it outdoors. We stretch out the 22 yard piece, unfold the layer one time. Now we have a two layer ( with a folded edge) piece 11 yards long. Now we fold it END TO END until it's about 2 1/2 to 3 feet wide in length. I hold the layers together with 3 "T pins "or long quilt pins on one edge. I have made dish scrubbies from netting for 22 years and never tie ends together! I use a "J" hook, cut strips 3" wide using a cutting mat, use a clear 6" wide ruler for measuring strips. First cut off the edge that doesn't quite match up the ends, that's scrap. I get 11strips out of my 11yards of netting. Each strip I cut yields two scrubbies pieces. After I cut a strip I fold it over and put a runner band around the piece to keep it together until I'm ready to crochet those pieces. Each cut strip makes two scrubbies. I chain 4 or 5 then slip into first single crochet , then I do single crochets to make the scrubbies. Adding and decreasing the single crochets as needed to make a round two sided puffy scrubby! My 11yards makes 22 scrubbiies. Two pieces in each banded cut strip. I buy my netting from Joann Fabrics and only when I have a 50% or 40% off coupon for each piece I buy. So my 11 yards cost around $8 to $11 total. Now if I sell them at $2-$3 each and I get 22 dish scrubbies from each 11 yards, that's a good profit ladies!!! PLEASE REFOLD YOUR NETTING AND BUY A LONGER PIECE OF NETTING. YOU EILL BE SO HAPPY YOU DID!! It's the only way to make scrubbies. My husband keeps telling me I should make a YouTube Video to show ladies the correct way refold and never have to tie strips together, then try to hide the knots!!!
PLEASE READ MY ABOVE POST LADIES!!! It will be of great help to you!! USE ONLY NETTING AND NOT TULLE. Tulle would be great fir the bath only. Netting never scratches your pans either but is coarse enough to get the job done. I cut my netting 3" wide. ANYHOW READ MY LONG COMMENT ABOVE IT WILL BE THE BEST HELP YOU EVER GOT!!
I love this pattern for dish scrubbies,I have been making some for 4 years now but rather this double scrubbies instead.
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